Support Services

Goal 3: Enable faculty, student, and administrative support services that are efficient and data driven. Goal 3 promotes effective stewardship in partnership with the UR Better initiative to improve business processes and Institutional Effectiveness (IFX) initiatives to enable data driven decisions. Strategies deploy technologies to create more efficient digital processes and better integrate services that involve many offices such as the onboarding of a student. A structured collaboration with IFX will expand reporting capabilities and provide support to develop new reports and data integrations to help IFX become a consultative hub and provider of analytics. Finally, this goal establishes future roadmaps for the technology platforms that support student, finance, HR processes, and reporting.


  1. Support redesigned processes with digital workflows, electronic signatures, and document management capabilities.
  2. Deploy a mobile friendly, integrated student onboarding capability to streamline collection of student information and distribution to Banner and other student support application software and guide students through the steps to enroll in applicable administrative tasks, activities, campus services, and orientation programs.
  3. Create an interactive, self-service site to replace the fact book.
  4. Evaluate and plan a transition to a software as a service administrative (ERP) and student information system.